Submit Bio/Profile

Submit bio/profile

Submit your Biography/profile for publication on Camaboom and let more people get to know more about you.

If you are an Artist, Comedian, Producer, Public figure etc, Camaboom is a great place to get yourself exposed to the wider world.

How to submit your Biography/profile to Camaboom for publishing.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Artist Real name and stage name

  • Birthday and place

  • Music Career

  • Net Worth (not compulsory)

  • Latest songs

  • Booking/Contact details

Check good example of a bio and profile of Emino Miles: Emino Miles biography

After you write the information above,

Forward it to

Or Join the Camaboom WHATSAPP group and forward it.

Note: You must include at least one picture.

We will publish as soon as we receive.

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